“Charting the Course took my breath away! I felt transported to Las Vegas. I know that ‘What Happens in Vegas’ now will not ‘Stay in Vegas.’ Rather, Las Vegas Memorial could become a new benchmark just like St. Michael’s. The story will leap out at you. My only question is, are you ready to accept its powerful message?”
David B. Nash, MD, MBA
Founding Dean of the Jefferson College of Population Health
“If you think this book is just about patient safety, think again. It is not. It is about excellence.”
Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP
Former President and CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Former Administrator of CMS
“Doing what’s right for the patient is possible in an environment where it is safe for everyone to speak up. Among the specific practices and tools presented, John Nance and Kathleen Bartholomew point out that micro-interactions matter because within the day-to-day conversations lie the seeds of culture change. The answer to ‘how’ has arrived for any leader who aspires to transform a hospital into a patient-centric culture.”
Kate Davis, EdD
Director, Learning & Organizational Development
MedStar Montgomery Medical Center
Olney, Maryland
“This is a must read for all leaders in healthcare today! Complexity and uncertainty in healthcare will continue to provide tremendous challenges ahead. The insight and strategies provided in this book will most certainly resonate with healthcare leaders looking to create a better healthcare system for the future. The stories shared in this book provide a brilliant blueprint for addressing the issues shaping healthcare today and tomorrow and is sure to ignite considerable discussion and dialogue.”
Gail E. Latimer, MSN, RN, FACHE, FAAN
Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer
Siemens Healthcare
“This wonderful book is a MUST READ for anyone from the boardroom to the bedside who aspires to be a great healthcare leader; great care begins with leadership, ends with leadership, is all about leadership.”
Charles R. Denham, MD
Chairman, TMIT
Chairman, Global Patient Safety Forum
Geneva, Switzerland
Click here to read the Forbes Magazine article:
“13 To Watch in 2013: The Unsung Heroes Changing Health Care Forever” by Leah Binder